Thursday, September 22, 2016

An Open Forum to mark in your agenda:
Greening the Global (and Massachusetts) Economy
with Dr. Robert Pollin
Co-director, Political Economy Research Institute and Professor of Economics, UMass Amherst 
Author: Greening the Global Economy (M.I.T. Press)
WHEN: Wednesday, October 5 7pm – 9pm
WHERE: Cambridge Friends Meeting House
5 Longfellow Park (off Brattle Street out of Harvard Square)
Come hear Robert Pollin lay out his economic plan for how we can meet the carbon reduction targets that will actually avert climate catastrophe, generate vast numbers of new jobs and protect those employed by fossil fuel energy companies.
Great things are happening in Massachusetts. And across the country. Are they enough to stop catastrophic climate change? How would we know? What would be required to actually bring about success?
Is it possible to prevent climate change as long as the U.S. engages in constant war and preparation for war? The U.S. Pentagon with its wars, bases and weaponry is the largest single producer of carbon emissions on the face of the earth. And a major goal of these wars is to protect the constant expansion of the global economy and the fossil fuel energy system that powers it.
In addition to Dr. Pollin’s talk/discussion we will have a brief presentation on how climate and anti-war activists can connect their issues
And Emily Kirkland of 350MA will join us to discuss important climate initiatives and opportunities for action this fall.
More Info: 617-354-2169,

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